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Miami Superior 9

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The Mermentau was still at 3.75' and the marsh water was dropping ever so slowly. Still draining to the South with some muddy water coming down from Grand Lake. The water to the right of the boat landing was still very black and wouldn't yield a bite on limited trying toward the end of the day.

The good water was to the in the canal (6) that drains some water from Colligan Lake between White and Grand Lakes. There was also good water in the next canal (2) going North to the right. It's a fairly short one with a live well.

Clear but good water was found also in the Twin Island canal (1) toward the back. The front had Grand Lake water. In the back you could see all kinds of fish swimming and a white jig showed 2.5' down. Caught one sac and a bunch of perch back in the back.

Fish were caught mostly with blue/white Poppa Chop 2.5-3.0' under a cork, but a few were caught with blue/white trippletale tight line.

Fish cleaned had about 40% with spaghetti worms which wasn't to great. Online research says to cook and eat the worms. Yum!

Posted : 21/05/2016 4:54 pm